1. We recently discovered Sunflour Baking Company here in Charlotte and it has quickly become a family favorite. 2. We've frequented it every weekend this month! 3. Frances was of course thrilled to find they serve toast with nutella! 4. Captured this quick shot on a night out with my hubby. 5. We attended a lovely little gathering with friends where the theme of the night was "Cupcakes and Cocktails". I, of course, indulged in cupcakes and mocktails. 6. Frances is in the midst of her second session of ballet class at the Harris YMCA. She absolutely loves it and wants to try tap class in the fall! Being a former dancer myself, I couldn't be more thrilled. 7. For as long as I can remember I've been on the hunt for store-bought tortilla chips only similar to the kind you find in authentic mexican restaurants...you know, the thin, flakey, crispy, full of flavor kind. Xochitl (which I purchase from The Fresh Market) fits the bill! 8. Some Valentine's Day goodies I picked up from Paper Skyscraper, one of my absolute favorite Charlotte "go-to" gift shops. 9. This year's Valentine's Day card sent to Frances' family and little friends. 10. A sweet bouquet given to me from my valentine. 11. A giant, cellophane balloon Frances picked out for her Daddy. 12. Frances deciding what tasty treat to get for post-ballet snack time at the Barnes and Noble cafe. 13. A little Jellycat bunny I purchased for baby Spencer. 14. Bath time! 15. Frances' new favorite thing to do while I shop for groceries is read her books. Here she has Andy and the Lion, a cute classic. 16. Playing with the PicFrame app. 17. An outing at Midwood Park on one of the more pleasant days we've had this month in Charlotte. 18. The daffodils are in bloom! 19. Is it Spring yet?? My feet think it is! 20. On this special night we got to pick up Daddy from work! 21. Frances reading one of her favorites, The House in the Night. Its illustrations are amazing. 22. Todd and I recently started watching season one of Downton Abbey on our Apple TV. Totally see what all the fuss is about. 23. Thinking about this little nightstand from West Elm for the nursery. 24. Greek key is probably my absolute favorite pattern. This orange variation is on the cover of my little nursery inspiration/idea notebook. 25. I am utterly obsessed with all things Lana Del Rey right now...her music, her videos, her website, her look, her style, her story. My favorite of her songs is Off to the Races. 26. One night in the month of February there were snowflakes falling somewhere in Charlotte...I'm sure of it! 27. Love the smell and color of lemon zest. 28. Here's Frances' pout face after her Daddy tells her we can't buy a toy every time we visit the bookstore. 29. Good Food is the only place I know of locally that can pull off a name like "Good Food". It is, without a doubt, our favorite restaurant in Charlotte. 30. Yet another fabulous creation by the girls at Modern Salon & Spa. 31. Spring is just around the bend! 32. My girl got her first cold in almost a year. On this morning she woke up feeling like Frances again. 33. We've been taking lots of naps together lately and I am loving every bit of it! 34. Curlicious! 35. Miss Independent insisting on riding the escalator unassisted. 36. This winter, Frances has been taking one-on-one swimming lessons at Charlotte Swim Academy. Her initial reluctance has turned into sincere anticipation and enjoyment and Todd and I are SO pleased and impressed with the progress she's made. Most importantly, she feels so much more comfortable in the water! 37. During both of my pregnancies I'd say my biggest craving has been for citrus. Simply Orange's Simply Grapefruit juice really hits the spot! 38. I still love perusing Pinterest. 39. My ever-growing baby belly at 6 months. 40. In anticipation of new (albeit fantastic) chaos that will likely come with the new baby, this year's resolution is to simplify my life as much as possible. That includes my blog. I've cleaned it up and de-cluttered it in hopes of inspiring me to blog more often about the simpler things in my life! 41. One morning Frances woke up and said, "Can we make popcorn today?!?" And, so we did. 42. Nothing has fulfilled the reading teacher in me more than watching my own daughter develop an absolute love for literature. Here's a stack of the books she's been loving lately.
LOVE this. And love being able to see your instagram posts daily :)