Blink...and it's done!

The other day I was in Harris Teeter trying desperately to maintain self-control and stick to buying ONLY what was on my list when this practically jumped off the shelves and into my cart! You know those random products strategically placed in unassuming spots with the sole purpose of taking advantage of weak shoppers?  In my defense, these products often really DO come in handy.  This is the perfect example:
Especially now that I'm a mom, I always have trash accumulating in my car and I'm always hoping I have an empty grocery or fast food bag lying around to throw it in.  Well, these are the perfect solution to my problem!  They're compact, they have drawstring handles and fit nicely and neatly tucked on the back pocket of the passenger seat.  I keep one hanging from the gearshift at all times and when it's full, I throw it away and replace it with a new one.  Love products that assist me in my perpetual goal of being clutter free!

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